vendredi 24 janvier 2020

The strange success of Microsoft in the cloud

In July 2015, Microsoft released Windows 10. But, a novelty compared to previous versions, it made the update from Windows 7 and 8 available free of charge to everyone for one year.

And if officially, the free update lasted only one year, it remained possible until the beginning of 2018. It was enough to declare being a user of assistive technologies (for the disabled) for the update to be validated. And even until 2019, there are regularly people indicating that it is still possible to upgrade to Windows 10 free of charge. In other words, throughout this period, very few people have had to buy a Windows 10 license.

So that means that Microsoft has lost a huge amount of money for 3 years (and more) by doing so, since Windows has been an important source of income until then. So MS should have suffered financial losses.

But, unbelievably, that wasn't the case at all. On the contrary, its income increased. Where did this miracle come from? Well, mainly from the cloud. Microsoft started to offer cloud services and was so successful in this market that it more than compensated its losses with Windows 10.

It is very surprising that Microsoft has become an important player in the cloud, given that it was not present on this market until a few years ago and that this one was already very competitive, with major players already present, such as IBM, DELL, then Amazon, Alibaba, Google, etc...

And as we have seen here, the entire world economy is in the hands of the elite. The elite controls all large companies and the vast majority of medium-sized companies. There is no real competition between them. We are in fact a managed economy.

So Microsoft's success in the cloud was also planned and arranged by the elite and is not the result of a winning strategy by Microsoft. And if the elite did this, it's to explain why Microsoft didn't collapse because Windows 10 was free.

It seems clear that the strategy of the elite is to make more and more normal to spy people via the operating system. To get people to accept this, the operating system had to be free. So the elite proposed a deal to the general public: the OS becomes free, but you pay for it indirectly by letting Microsoft access your data. It is indeed quite difficult to impose mass espionage when you make people pay for the OS. Besides, with W10, MS also imposes forced updates, which will allow the OS to evolve in the direction MS wants (and behind MS, the elite) without people being able to prevent it.

But, there is a logical problem with this strategy. Since Microsoft's revenues were largely based on the sale of Windows until then, they should have collapsed. It should have been an untenable strategy in the long run. Especially since Windows 10 is supposed to be the last of the Windows. There won't be a new version after that. There will only be free updates of Windows 10. So anyone who has upgraded to W10 will never have to pay for a Windows again. And even those who paid for the OS once, will never have to do it again afterwards.

Furthermore, since the Office suite has become mature starting with the 2007 version, most people and even companies do not need to buy new versions (or at least, not as often as before). As a result, this branch of the business should have seen its revenues drop sharply as well.

So, Microsoft should have reported very important losses for a few years. It should have been quite catastrophic. And that should have called into question Windows 10's free software strategy. And without free Windows 10, the goal of spying users openly would have become very difficult to achieve.

So, for the elite plan to work, MS had to "find" a new source of income. That new source was the cloud. By becoming a giant in this field, it was then relatively normal to keep Windows 10 free. Being only a more or less secondary branch of the company (or at least no longer a primary one), it didn't seem strange anymore that MS would make it free, and more importantly, keep it free.

That's why, while MS kept making mistake after mistake in almost every domain for years, it suddenly started to have a seemingly ultra-brilliant strategy in the cloud, a domain where it's difficult to differentiate oneself. The reality is that the elite have imposed MS in the markets and made sure that their offerings were superior to others and that even when they were not, it was MS that was chosen. Or it is also possible that all this is largely virtual and that MS's market share is much lower than what is officially said.

The fact that MS failed in the telephony field was most probably planned for from the outset as well. The company spying PC users had to be another one than the one spying smartphone users. Otherwise, it would have been much less accepted by the people. It was better if there were two different companies for that: Google for smartphones, and MS for PCs.

vendredi 9 mars 2018

Le débarquement a été truqué lui aussi (partie 2/2)

9) Pourquoi le haut commandement allemand n'a pas réagi les jours précédents et durant la nuit du 5/6 juin

9.1) Le message de Verlaine les jours précédant

Un premier élément qui aurait dû mettre en alerte le haut  commandement allemand était le message de Verlaine. La première partie de celui-ci est diffusée le 1er juin à 21h. Hellmuth Meyer, l'officier de renseignement de la 15ème armée, le capte et en comprend parfaitement sa signification. En effet, un membre de la résistance française payé par les allemands le leur a expliqué. Il le transmet alors à l'amiral Canaris, qui dirige le contre-espionnage allemand. La 15ème armée est immédiatement mise en alerte.

Meyer envoie alors le message à l'OKW, au QG de Rundstedt et à celui de Rommel. Mais même si Jodl voit le message, il ne fait rien. Il n'ordonne aucune mise en alerte pour la 7ème armée. L'explication, c'est qu'il a supposé que Rundstedt avait envoyé un message d'alerte. Sauf que ce dernier ne l'avait pas fait parce qu'il pensait que le QG de Rommel l'avait fait. Et du côté de Rommel ? Eh bien il n'y a aucune raison officielle d'avancée. En tout cas, il n'a pas dû prendre le message au sérieux. Ce qui est très bizarre, puisqu'il avait dit quelques jours avant qu'il pensait que le débarquement aurait lieu dans les 3 prochaines semaines.

Les nuits du 2 et du 3 juin, le message est transmis à nouveau par la BBC.

Le 4 juin, rien n'est fait non plus. Donc, pendant 3 longs jours, chose extraordinaire, la 15ème armée est mise en alerte, mais la 7ème ne l'est pas à cause de dysfonctionnements au niveau du haut commandement.

Le 5 juin, à 21h15 (en heure européenne, 22h15 heure anglaise), la seconde partie du message est transmise. Meyer prévient aussitôt le général von Salmuth, le chef de la 15ème armée. Celui-ci met la 15ème armée en alerte maximum.

Le QG de von Rundstedt est prévenu tout de suite après. Mais Blumentritt, le chef d'état-major de Rundstedt ne croit pas à la véracité de l'information. Selon lui, les alliés ne seraient pas aussi bêtes que ça d'annoncer le débarquement par radio. Qu'en est-il de Rundstedt lui-même ? On ne sait pas. Mais en tout cas, la 7ème armée n'est pas mise en alerte par le QG de von Rundstedt.

Vers 22h, Meyer prévient un peu tout le monde (OKW, QG du groupe d'armée B de Rommel, etc…) avec le message suivant : "Télétype No 2117/26. Urgent. Le message de la BBC du 5 juin à 21h15 a été décodé. Selon nos enregistrements disponibles, il signifie "attendez-vous à une invasion dans les 48 heures, commençant le 6 juin à 00h00."

On aurait pu penser qu'il préviendrait aussi la 7ème armée et le 84ème corps. Mais cette action relève du QG du groupe d'armée B. Cela-dit, comme celui-ci était quand même dans de meilleures dispositions que Blumentritt, il y avait un espoir que via le QG du groupe d'armée B, la 7ème armée soit mise en alerte. Or celui-ci ne leur donne pas non plus l'information en question.

Et donc, pendant 5 jours, la 7ème armée n'a pas été mise en alerte. Et non seulement ça, mais ni le QG de Von Rundstedt à Saint-Germain en Laye, ni la Kriegsmarine à Paris, ni le QG de Rommel à la Roche-Guyon, ni l'OKW ne manifestent la moindre réaction. C'est un peu trop extraordinaire pour être vrai. Ce genre de chose n'arrive pas, sauf si c'est voulu.

Et du coup, l'absence de divers généraux devient encore plus suspecte. Il y a une alerte qui est donnée à propos d'un débarquement imminent, et malgré tout, Rommel part en Allemagne, les généraux de la 7ème armée vont faire un kriegspiel, et l'amiral Krancke va à Bordeaux ? La moindre des choses seraient de rester sur place au cas où. Surtout que ce n'est pas comme s'ils ne se doutaient pas que le débarquement allait se faire sous peu.

Par ailleurs, autant, pour la première partie du message, il y a eu disfonctionnement dans la transmission des ordres, autant, pour la deuxième, la non mise en alerte de la 7ème armée résulte du choix du QG de Rundstedt. Pourtant, s'il estimait qu'il fallait mettre en alerte la 15ème armée, c'est qu'il pensait que malgré le mauvais temps, un débarquement était possible. Donc, pourquoi mettre la 15ème armée en alerte et pas la 7ème ? Eh bien parce qu'il fallait absolument éviter que la 7ème le soit ; parce que là, ça aurait pu entrainer l'échec du débarquement. Donc, même si ça introduisait un gros illogisme, ils ont préféré faire comme ça. Ils ont dû se dire que de toute façon, il suffirait de dire que l'ensemble du haut commandement allemand ne croyait pas à l'invasion les jours suivants, et que cette explication passerait comme une lettre à la Poste. Et puis, ça ne serait qu'un nième détail qui serait peu remarqué et qui ne serait connu que de quelques spécialistes.

Blumentritt aurait dit qu'il était ridicule que les alliés annoncent le jour du débarquement par radio. Sauf que ça n'était pas absurde du tout, puisqu'il fallait prévenir la résistance le plus vite possible pour qu'ils se mettent à saboter les chemins de fer et les communications allemandes. Comme si un général de l'expérience de Blumentritt pouvait l'ignorer. Et justement, c'est bien ce qui était en train de se passer depuis quelques jours. Les actions de sabotage s'étaient multipliées en Normandie, et Blumentritt était bien placé pour le savoir. Et par ailleurs, si le message est codé, peu importe qu'il soit lu par l'ennemi. Mais Blumentritt était très certainement dans la conspiration et jouait le naïf volontairement.

Le débarquement a été truqué lui aussi (partie 1/2)

Dans la mesure où le résultat du débarquement pouvait être assez aléatoire, là encore, les leaders juifs devaient mettre en scène la chose.

Il était hors de question que celui-ci aboutisse à un échec. En effet, l'URSS était en train d'écraser l'Allemagne. Et comme il aurait fallu un ou deux ans pour refaire une opération similaire, il aurait été très difficile de justifier une stagnation du front Est pendant tout ce temps. Et si le front ne stagnait pas, alors l'URSS aurait conquis pratiquement toute l'Europe, et aurait mis des gouvernements communistes partout. Et ça, ça ne faisait pas partie des plans des leaders juifs. Et si Staline avait mis des gouvernements communistes dans certains pays et pas dans d'autres, là encore ça aurait été difficile à justifier.

Donc, il fallait qu'Hitler et le haut commandement allemand aident les alliés à gagner, en réagissant trop lentement et insuffisamment. C'est pour ça qu'une fois encore, on constate la présence de nombreuses bizarreries, d'incohérences, "d'erreurs" un peu trop grosses et nombreuses pour être honnêtes, ainsi que de hasards un peu trop beaux pour être vrais. Tout ça, essentiellement du côté allemand bien sûr, mais pas uniquement.

1) Avant le débarquement : les désaccords arrangés entre Rommel et Rundstedt

L'échec des allemands face au débarquement ne vient pas seulement des erreurs faites lors du 6 juin, mais bien sûr aussi de celles faites avant. Les leaders juifs devaient mettre en place une stratégie perdante avant que les évènements n'arrivent. C'est logique. Le sabotage organisé par eux le jour J allait dans le bon sens, mais ça n'était pas suffisant. Il fallait optimiser largement plus l'organisation de l'échec allemand. Et pour ça, il fallait organiser les choses en amont.

Une des erreurs les plus importantes vient de l'arbitrage par Hitler du désaccord entre Rommel et Rundstedt sur la stratégie à adopter. Désaccord certainement organisé là-aussi.

Rommel soutenait que tout se jouerait le jour J, et qu'après, tout serait perdu, notamment à cause de l'aviation alliée. Il préconisait donc de maintenir les divisions allemandes au plus près des plages, afin de pouvoir écraser le débarquement dans l'œuf.

Rundstedt, son supérieur, affirmait au contraire qu'il était impossible de défendre les plages, à cause de la puissance de l'artillerie navale alliée. Il pensait par ailleurs qu'à un moment de leur avancée, les forces alliées seraient plus ou moins désorganisés et donc prenables. En conséquence de quoi, il préconisait de les attaquer un peu après leur première poussée, une fois que la marine ne pourrait plus les soutenir.
C'était donc à Hitler de trancher. Et évidemment, celui-ci a fait en sorte de prendre la pire des décisions pour pouvoir mieux faire gagner les alliés.

Il a choisi en effet de faire un compromis et de prendre un peu du plan de Rommel et un peu de celui de Rundstedt. Il a ainsi laissé quelques divisions sur les plages, et il en a mis quelques autres en retrait.
Ainsi, les troupes sur les plages n'étaient pas suffisamment puissantes pour pouvoir rejeter à la mer les alliés, et les troupes restant à l'arrière ne l'étaient pas non plus pour pouvoir les vaincre une fois les têtes de pont créées. Donc, les troupes près des plages étaient sûres d'être vaincues et celles positionnées plus dans les terres aussi.

Mais ce n'est pas tout. Hitler a également compliqué le circuit de décision pour les armées situées à l'ouest. Il a en effet tenu à ce que les troupes de panzers situées en réserve soient sous ses ordres directs. Elles ne pouvaient donc pas bouger sans son approbation.

Ça posait déjà problème en soit, puisque diriger des divisions à 1.800 kms rend forcément moins efficace le commandement. Mais surtout, le jour J, parce qu'Hitler dormait, puis parce qu'il tardait à donner l'ordre de mouvement, elles sont restées bloqué pendant de longues heures avant de pouvoir intervenir, laissant ainsi les alliés créer tranquillement leurs têtes de pont. Évidemment, ça aussi, c'était voulu. Hitler a choisi cette organisation pour faire en sorte que des unités cruciales soient paralysées le jour J afin de pouvoir mieux laisser gagner les alliés.

Au passage, certaines de ces divisions blindées seront mises vraiment très loin en retrait, comme la Panzer Lehr, qui sera stationnée à environ 130 km des plages du débarquement, la 116ème panzer, située à 130 km, près de Rouen, et surtout la 2ème division de panzer (à 320 km). Bien trop loin pour intervenir assez rapidement le jour J. Or, parmi ces unités, il y en a 2 qui appartiennent à la réserve du groupe d'armée B, et qui sont donc immédiatement disponibles, sans avoir à en référer à Hitler. Si pour la 116ème, on peut comprendre qu'il faut couvrir la zone près de Dieppe, le placement de la 2ème division est complètement illogique.

mercredi 14 février 2018

Are we in a kind of stealth planned economy at world level?

When we see that all big companies are controlled by Illuminati/Jewish leaders, the question of the planning of the economy comes to the mind.

Indeed, all big companies are under the power of the "Dynasty". Just look at all the illuminati logos, the chairmen's origin, the links between those companies, etc…

All political leaders of all the governments are also members of this Dynasty.

Then, if all the main companies, all the major economic sectors and all the countries are in the hands of Illuminati/Jewish leaders, it means that everything that happens in the economic field is planned by them. So, we are in some sort of communist state at world level. In communist countries, all economics events were decided by the elite. And it is the same thing here.

The difference here is that: 1) all of this is hidden; 2) salaries are not equal. So, we are more in a sort of stealth planned economy at world level.

It means that all the deaths of big societies are phony. For example, the nearly death of Nokia was certainly planned by Illuminati/Jewish leaders.

Same thing for the slow or fast ascension of new big companies. They are all planned by Illuminati/Jewish leaders. For example, the rise of computer companies like Apple, Microsoft, Oracle, Google, Dell, HP, Samsung, Sony, etc, was planned from the beginning. But the elite makes you think that the creation of those companies just comes from brilliant guys who created their company in a garage or who had an incredibly strong will. Of course, those guys are members of the Illuminati/Jewish dynasty put there in order to make dream ordinary people.

When a company makes "errors", it is because it was decided that way. And when it creates a great product and not its competitors, it's the same thing.

And we can think that Illuminati/Jewish leaders create artificial movements in the economic field often just to maintain the illusion that we really are in a free economy. It can be also for economic or political purposes. But, often, it's just to create this illusion of movements.

So, when you company is sold to another one or is merged with another one, this is not for the reason they tell you but frequently to maintain this illusion.

The creation of new big societies and the death of ancient ones are done in order to create this illusion of movement. And occasionally, they don't even bother to kill or create a company; they just change its name, and it's enough to make people forget about the ancient one.

Sometime, they also need to adapt the market to new situations. So, they can kill some firms in order to make prices increase. It means that there are also economic motivations behind that. But it's always decided by the Dynasty.

If there weren't so many economic events and movements, people would finally understand that we don't really live in a free economy, but in a planned one controlled by just few people. Then, their motivation to work would collapse.

They would cease to believe in the international economic war. They would know that when the economy of a country is favored or not, it isn't mainly because their natives are bad or good workers, but because the Illuminati/Jewish leaders have just decided it to be this way. They wouldn't believe anymore in the competition between society X vs. society Y or Z.

And of course, they would finally begin to protest against this masquerade.

Regarding small companies, I think it's different. A lot of them are not owned by the Elite, but by ordinary people (maybe 80 %). It's like in Russia during the communist era. Farmers were able to sell a small amount of food for their own profit. This allows motivating people to work. But if one firm reaches a certain size, the Elite will take it over (either by buying it, controlling it or killing it).

About medium-sized enterprises, it is probably balanced. If the size of the company is not too big, and if the economic sector is not economically of politically strategic for the Illuminatis, they will probably let it be owned by an ordinary guy. If it isn't the case, they will take it over. But if the sector is important for them, most of the time, they will have created the company themselves.

However, many small and medium companies are owned by people indirectly controlled of the Illuminatis, like ordinary Jews. Because of the importance of the group in the Jewish culture, Jewish people are strongly tied to their community. So, they will comply with orders coming from the Elite.

Some of them are also controlled by ordinary people who, because of their economic success, have been introduced to freemasonry and have become middle level Freemasons. Those people are not part of the elite and its conspiracy. But as they have benefited of helps from freemasonry, and have sworn fidelity to it, they are forced to obey to injunctions from high level freemasons. Or else, they know there will be retaliations. So, they become puppets of the Elite.

So, regarding the part of medium companies owned by ordinary guys, maybe 30 % of them are. The rest is directly or indirectly controlled by the Illuminatis/Jewish leaders.

But, regarding medium companies, even if an ordinary guy owns one, the Illuminatis will easily control it. For example, many firms are just subcontractors for big companies. So, very often, they are controlled by big companies which can force them to accept low prices in order to still work with them.

In the conspirationist sphere, agents working for the Elite don't want you to understand that. So, even if they tell you that big firms are controlled by the Illuminatis, they will make you think that there are still fights between members of the Elite and that it's why you have all those events and movements in the big companies' domain. For example, they will make you think that there is a battle between Illuminatis from China or Russia and those from the USA. Or they will tell you that some economic interests have pushed this or that faction of the Elite to take control of some sector of the economic field or of such company. But it's false.

mardi 12 décembre 2017

Music videos on Youtube are posted by the TV companies' themselves

Mainstream media want you to think that music videos you see on Youtube are uploaded by ordinary people.

But almost all the music videos you see on Youtube clearly come from the TV companies' themselves. It's obvious. You have music videos which date back to de 70's or even the 60's. And the quality is incredibly good. If it came from the average Joe, it would come from very old VCRs. Then regarding the age of those devices the image and even sound quality would be horrible. You would have all those image deteriorations you can see on old VCR tapes.

And regarding the videos from the 60's, VCRs didn't even exist at this time. The VCR format was introduced only in 1972. And the first one, the N1500 recorder, cost nearly £600, the price of a small car. So, how can you have TV videos from the 60's on Youtube? You can because it's the TV companies which have uploaded them.

In my opinion, the goals there, are the following ones:
  • Making Youtube a very extremely attractive platform for watching videos. Without all those music videos, Youtube wouldn't have been such a success. And the Illuminatis need Youtube in order to influence people's behavior.
  • To accuse ordinary people of music piracy. Then promote not only laws against music piracy but also laws allowing governments to spy on people.

lundi 12 juin 2017

What do the predictable victories of Federer and Nadal in 2017 show us regarding tennis and sport in general

The predictable victories of Federer and Nadal this year (see my previous article) show us several things.

1) It means that the careers and victories of those two guys were planned from the beginning. This means that almost all their opponents were also part of the conspiracy, in order to let them win. Which means that tons of tennis matches are totally staged. And almost all the top 100 players are involved in this.

2) As those two guys couldn't bee Freemason at such a young age, this means they are most probably part of the Illuminati/Jewish dynasty.

3) So, it means that many if not most of the victories of many other champions were manufactured by Illuminati/Jewish leaders.

4) Of course, Illuminati/Jewish leaders plan some of those victories for political reasons.

This means that the victory of Yannick Noah at Roland Garros in 1983 was also staged. Illuminati/Jewish leaders needed a handsome charismatic mixed-race guy to win there in order to promote the massive immigration politics.

The fact that he also succeeded very well in music during the 90's (in France) shows us that he was an agent (and most probably a part of the Illuminati/Jewish dynasty). If he had been an ordinary guy, he would never have had such a successful career in music after the one in tennis.

Same thing for the victories of France at the Davis Cup of 1991 and 1996 (with Noah as the captain of the team). Once again, it was made to promote race-mixing and massive immigration. This means that, in 1991, Pete Sampras lost on purpose.

Same thing again regarding football. The victory of France at the FIFA World Cup of 1998 was certainly staged for the same political goals.

We can also think that having many Spanish champions in Tennis (Nadal, Ferrer), Football (Barcelona, Madrid), bicycle (Alberto Contador), Formula 1 (Fernando Alonso) and motorcycle race (Jorge Lorenzo and Daniel Pedrosa) since the beginning of the 2000's was made to compensate the poor economic situation of Spain. With sport champions, people think less about their poor condition.

5) It also explain why one champion can have such variations of game quality between two matches in tennis. You can indeed have a first match where the guy plays incredibly well and wins, and the next match where he plays very bad and loses. This is because the guy loses voluntarily (very clear with Thiem and Wawrinka at Roland Garros this year, but you have many examples of this in each tournament).

Of course, it applies also to other sports.

6) Illuminati/Jewish leaders use also those victories as celebrations for their god. It was clear with the victories of Federer and Nadal this year (10-10-10 and 666 everywhere).

vendredi 27 janvier 2017

Why Federer will win the Australian Open

Federer has reached 2017 Australian Open final. We can be quite sure he will win it. Why ? Because sport is controlled by the Illuminatis. Federer is an Illuminati. And if he wins, you will have a conjunction of 666. The final will happen the 29th of January. 2x9 = 18=6+6+6, that is 666. 2017 is the 18th year after 2000, so 666 again. And if he wins, it will be its 18th Grand Slam, so, once again, 666. 666 is supposed to be the mark of the beast for the Illuminatis. And X seems to also be one name of the beast. And Illuminatis like to repeat it three times. And, as we have seen, 666 is repeated three times here. So, it's the same as XXX.

You can also see XXX on the T-shirt of Federer :

Good luck Federer. Oh well… you don't need that.

As you can see, the horizontal lines of his t-shirt cross the oblique ones, which makes a lot of X's.
And on the left of his chest, you have two horizontal lines which cross 9 oblique lines. So, you have 18 X's, that is 6+6+6.

You also have 6 oblique lines near 3 oblique lines, that is, 6x3=18. You get 666 once again.

Maybe the Nike logo is a stylized eye of Horus.

So, making him wear this new t-shirt, here, was not a coincidence, it was made on purpose. For the Illuminatis, this t-shirt to the glory of their god will go hand in hand with his victory also to the glory of their god. Such devotion is admirable, indeed…